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24 декабря 2021, начало в 10:55, 1151 день назад
In 2006, only 25 percent of white evangelicals disbelieved that climate change was occurring. Those who conceded the climate was changing but didn't believe humans had caused that change grew even more precipitously.
24 декабря 2021, начало в 10:51, 1151 день назад
Innocuous as it may seem, teaching climate change as a debate can be as damaging to student learning as outright denial, education experts told me.
24 декабря 2021, начало в 10:06, 1151 день назад
There are actually 1.2 billion people on the continent of Africa and the country of India who live every day without electricity. You don't have a refrigerator in your house full of good food being cooled properly. If you have a bad accident, you may not be able to get to a hospital that has electricity in time to save your life. The problem is they didn't build out their infrastructure like we have.